Monday, June 30, 2008

Sukarno Grave

Sukarno is the first President of Indonesia. Sukarno Mausoleum is on the outskirts of Blitar, about 2 km northeast of the town centre on Slamet Riyadi street. Against his wishes, former President Sukarno was burried here in Blitar, next to his mother. No doubt this backwater of java was chosen to ensure that his grave didnot became a focus of pilgrimage and dissent. In 1978 the grave was spruced-up; there is no an impressive open gateway, leading to a glass-enclosed pavilion which contains the engraved boulder marking the site of his burial. The number of stalls that line the road to the grave, and the abundance of becak drivers who wait hopefully around the entrance, demonstrate that Sukarno hasnot been entirely forgotten. Pilgrim prostate themselves and flower are scattered in front of the pavilion.

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